Thursday, July 12, 2012

Autocross School Follow-Up

So I went into the SCCA autocross school feeling pretty confident.  I underestimated just how much refinement I was really going to walk away with, and the places where I could really learn to be faster.  I though I would highlight a few of the main point here:

Throttle Steering:  I found that throttle steering was something that I was already doing subconsciously, but after taking the class, I know to think and look for it now.  When turning, the ability to change the location of the car without the use of the wheel really helps save time, and in the case of a rear-drive car, reduce the chance of losing control.

Slalom: I thought I was a good slalom driver, smooth and careful.  I learned that I was going way slower than I could have been.  Turning in sooner, and letting the momentum and weight pull the car around the cone allows one to be much faster.

I plan on implementing all of these learned techniques at the next event this Sunday.